If there is something you want to do that's not cover below or you can only attend on a particular day ask if we can help
we are constantly updating our courses so please use our contact page if you are interested in a particular course or look up www.adventurepioners.uk
We are also available for Group, Family and individual, special requests, or courses just contact us.
The Standard two day Backwoods Course
If you are interested in doing any
of the things listed please contact
One Day, Shelter building natural and improvised
One day cooking on an open fire
One day An introduction to camp skills
same as above try this
One day beginners fun day for all ages
family backwoods camping day for all the family
We now have a number of different venues, and can organize a number of special courses for family's and younger people including
Family Backwoods weekends.
Child and parent/guardian Backwoods weekend.
Or if you just want an informal backwoods camp.
Women’s only Days/ weekend's.
if you are interested in any of the above or have something you think we can help you with, or organize, then please use the contact us page and ask for details. We can also accommodate Schools, youth groups
and corporate events.
Copyright © 2011 Acorn4th All Rights Reserved
The standard two day course
Instruction in site selection and and safety, putting up bashers, camp hygiene, safe use of an axe and saw, chopping techniques, splitting wood etc. fire lighting and different fires, wood selection, how to use a knife when making camp gadgets/utensil’s. Fire safety and the right fire for the job, kitchen hygiene, safe use of knife preparing food and Cooking on an open fire.
The one day shelter Building
Instruction in site selection and safety, you will put up a basher and have a go at making an improvised shelter, and if time, different fires; wood selection; setting and lighting the appropriate fire for your needs.
Cooking on an open fire
The program will cover the basic skills needed to light and maintain a fire safely, site selection and safety, an introduction to cooking on an open fire, with or without utensils, using a Dutch oven, simple baking, food hygiene, and clearing your site.
An Introduction to camp skillsWe will explain a number of different type's of fire that you can uses at camp. We will incorporate this with camp safety and how
to establishing a good camp, camp gadgets, and camp layout, and the dangers of fire and some simple camp cooking etc. .
An introduction to Bushcraf/Backwoods for beginners
This is a fun day for those of you young, or old, who want learn the basics. this course is intended to teach you the fun of backwoods camping in a relaxed friendly atmosphere, you will learn how to put up a basher and build a shelter from natural materials plus prepare your camp, light a fire and do some simple cooking.
Family backwoods, Bushcraft day
As above except this is more family based to include young children accompanied by parents
Family days can also be arrange on week days during the school holidays ask for details and price.
Although we can not guarantee you will do all the things above during each course, or in this particular order, this is what we expect to do
All the above can be arranged and priced for individual groups. One to one, or small groups, and at your own location.